Q1.The password of access to SETUP menu

Press SETUP, then input 4652, then you could go to setup menu to set up the system.


Q2.The password of show down karaoke player

Press SETUP, then input 999999, it will hint you to power off the player

Q3.How to enable random play

Go to setup menu, then set RANDOM SETTINGS, then set it to PLAY, it will play random songs


Q4.How to disable random play


Press SETUP, then input 4652, then click RANDOM SETTINGS, then set it to PLAY, it will play random songs

Q5.How to customize your own random play song list

For the random songs, you could select your favorite songs into playlist first, then click SETUP icon, input admin password 4652, ->RANDOM SETTINGS->RANDOM SONG SETTINGS, click the SAVE button, then it will add all your selected songs into the random play list.


Q6.How to change the password of the system

Press SETUP, then input 4652, then select SYSTEM SETTINGS, You could change both admin and shutdown password in it or disable password.

Q7.How  to set up the favorites and how to save songs into this folder.

Search the song you want, then click PREVIEW/PLAY(the right arrow) icon 


then click COLLECTION


then click LIST1 or LIST2 for fast adding (no require telephone number) or input your telephone number to add it to your  private favorite list. Then go to HOME screen, press FAVORITE, select LIST1 or input your telephone number to access into your private favorite list.


Q8.What is "video display setting contraction"

It’s for enlarging or narrowing the size of the video to fit your TV screen size.

Q9.How to delete songs

1.Restart karaoke player to clean your playlist, then select the songs you want to DELETE to playlist.

2.If you are not sure whether you would like to delete that song, you could press the arrow button to play it in touch screen side to preview it first. when you confirm it's the song you want to delete, click the "play" button to add it into playlist for deleting later.

3.Ater you have select all your unwanted songs and confirm you would like to delete them, press SETUP, input system password "4652", then select "song library" tab, click "Delete" button in it, it will delete all reserved songs ( reserved songs:the songs you've selected into the playlist).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The songs played, already sung, not exist in playlist but already played, they are all remembered by karaoke player in the reserved list. That's why we suggest you restart player to clean your playlist at 1st step.  Any songs selected once you powered on karaoke player, it will be recorded into reserved list(play list). It will be deleted when you make action of "DELETE". So, please make sure the songs you've selected after the player is powered on are all unwanted songs. 

Q10.How to setup WIFI network

1. connect USB wifi receiver with the player's USB port. You could find the USB wifi receiver in the package.

2. power on karaoke player, then click "WIFI" on the top right corner of the home screen. select the second option" wireless connection"

3. click your home's wifi, then it will hint you input password in it. After inputting password, click OK, it will display "connecting successfully" after the wifi network is connected.


 To confirm whether your player is well connected with wifi and whther it's connected to correct wifi newtork, you could click PHONE icon next to the WIFI.

image bellow, when the right area doesn't show your wifi name and the IP is, then it means you didn't connect the player with wifi network successfully, the mobile selection and cloud download are not working.

 (Important Notice: If there is only one WIFI in the wifi list, when you click it, it doesn't response, and it even didn't let you input password, that means you have enabled wifi hot spot, you need to disable it first. Please press SETUP, input 4652, then go to "wifi settings" , WIFI hot spot, click "OFF" to disable it, then click SAVE SETTINGS and then restart the player. please refer image bellow to setup it.)

Q11.How to select songs via mobile phone

1. make sure your have connect the player with your wifi network first. you could refer topic" how to select WIFI network" above to setup wifi network first.

2. click "phone" button at the right top corner of the home screen, then it will display QR code in it. Use your phone to scan the QR code at the right side, it will pop screen to select songs directly.

image bellow, when the right area doesn't show your wifi name and the IP is, then it means you didn't connect the player with wifi network successfully, the mobile selection and cloud download are not working.


bellow image is correct, it will display your newwork name on the top of QR code(make sure it's your home's wifi, not public wifi or other's wifi which could access without password) and the IP is At this time, use your phone to scan the QR code at the right side, it will pop up screen for selecting songs directly.

your phone will display as bellow

Q12.How to download songs from cloud

1.make sure your player model support cloud download.For machine comes with khmer, myanmar, thai or vietnamese karaoke songs. Normally, the cloud download is disabled. Because the cloud server doesn't have these songs. the singer database in cloud also doesn't have the singer information for these languages. If you enable cloud download, the singer information for these languages songs will be replaced with t he singer database in cloud which doesn't have these language's singer information. Namely, you couldn't use the player to search songs by singer name for these language's songs any more. Normally, we will display cloud function for karaoke machine including these languages songs. 

2. connect your player with wifi network or wired ethernet network.(refer Q10 above).

3. Press SETUP, input password "4652", then select "song library maintaince", then tick "open cloud" to enable cloud download.

4.select songs, click the song name which has "cloud"icon marks, it will hint you " whether you would like to add it to cloud download list, click OK to add it to download list. 


5. After bulk adding these songs to cloud download list. go to "HOME" screen, click "CLOUD" icon, then it will list all songs you added and automatically downloading these songs. The right area will show how much spare space left in your hard drive and the downloading speed.

6. Once the song's download is complete, it will be automatically added to playlist for playing. You could click "PLAYLIST" to confirm or set priority for that song. To set priority for the songs in playlist. Please refer Q13.

7. If there isn't enough space for download more songs, you could refer Q9 above to delete unwanted songs from the machine first.

Q13.How to set priority for the song you want to sing in the playlist

Priority function, also means INSERT function. If you would like to sing the song next and sing before the songs you already added in the playlist. You could click the UP arrow button to insert it to playlist or adjust the priority postion in the playlist.


Q14.How to use SINGER REVERSE SEARCHING function

To fast get a song song by specific singer, you could use singer reverse search function. For example, you couldn't remember the singer name, however, you remember one of his famuse song, you could search that song first. after you get that song, you could see the singer displaying after that song name, directly click the SINGER area at the song, the system will list all songs song by that singer. You don't have to go back to home screen and search in the singer list.


Q15.Introduction of function icon of songlist
